
Download your podcasts and separate them into CD-R sized folders to allow for quick burning


why? Because I'm cheap -- now you can listen to podcasts in your car without aftermarket sound systems or crappy mp3 player docks, just use your CD player!


External dependancy, too lazy to parse RSS feeds myself

    import feedparser
    raise Exception("You need feedparser! Use pip or easy_install to get it")

import os, shutil, re, urllib2, json, time, glob, sys

Settings are stored in an external JSON file

with open('settings.json', 'r') as fp:
    settings = json.loads(

Threshold for making a new folder

DIR_LIMIT = settings['folder_size'] * 1048576

How many old episodes per feed to retrieve

MAX_BACKLOG = settings['max_backlog']
FOLDER_FORMAT = os.path.join('podcasts','cd-%s')
AUDIO_MIME = re.compile('audio/.*', re.I)

Use a list comprehension to generate a list of feed URLs

tracked_feeds = settings['feeds']
tracked_urls = [f['url'] for f in tracked_feeds]

The feeds we want to track are stored in a text file

with open('feeds.txt', 'r') as fp:
    feeds =

feeds = feeds.strip().split('\n')

Add any new feeds to settings

for feed in feeds:
    if feed not in tracked_urls:
        settings['feeds'].append({'url':feed, 'last_checked':0})

Remove any feeds that we don't want to download anymore, notice that I make a copy of the list so I can operate on it while in the loop context

for i, existing in enumerate(settings['feeds'][:]):
    if existing['url'] not in feeds:

Return the latest folder in the podcasts directory, based on the highest number

def get_latest_folder():
    glob_path = FOLDER_FORMAT % '*'
    cds = glob.glob(glob_path)

Do some python-fu to get the max directory number

    latest = max([int(re.sub('[^\d]', '', c)) for c in cds])
    return latest

Helper to clear out all old podcasts

def clean_root():

Who needs recursive directory walking when you have shutil!

    shutil.rmtree('podcasts', True)

Strips filename of any strange characters so the OS won't complain when we try to save it

def clean_filename(value):

Bad but w/e

    import unicodedata
    value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
    value = unicode(re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip().lower())
    return re.sub('[-\s]+', '-', value)

Writes the mp3 to the first available directory; if adding it to the lastest directory will cause the folder to exceed the size limit then a new folder is created and the file is stored there

def add_file(data, name, filesize):
    name = clean_filename(name)
    latest_dir = FOLDER_FORMAT % get_latest_folder()
    size = sum([os.path.getsize(os.path.join(latest_dir, f)) for f in os.listdir(latest_dir)])
    if size + filesize > DIR_LIMIT:
        latest_dir = FOLDER_FORMAT % (get_latest_folder() + 1)
    with open(os.path.join(latest_dir, name) + '.mp3', 'wb') as fp:

default_path = FOLDER_FORMAT % '0'

Make sure the folder exists on disk, if it doesn't create it

if not os.path.exists(default_path):

Loop over the feeds

for feed in settings['feeds']:
    d = feedparser.parse(feed['url'])
    print 'Checking for new episodes of', d['feed']['title']
    ep_count = 0

some podcast feeds are dumb and don't put the newest episodes at the top... lambda to the rescue

    sorted_entries = sorted(d['entries'], cmp = lambda x,y: cmp(y['updated_parsed'], x['updated_parsed']))
    for episode in sorted_entries:
        if ep_count >= MAX_BACKLOG:
        if time.mktime(episode['updated_parsed']) <= feed['last_checked']:
        if 'enclosures' in episode:
            type = episode['enclosures'][0].type
            if is not None:
                print 'Downloading %s - %s\n' % (episode['title'], episode['enclosures'][0].href)
                file = urllib2.urlopen(episode['enclosures'][0].href)
                filename = '%s - %s' % (d['feed']['title'], episode['title'])
                filesize = int(episode['enclosures'][0].length)
                add_file(, filename, filesize)
                ep_count += 1

Make the time of the latest entry so we don't bother checking stuff multiple times

    feed['last_checked'] = time.mktime(max([e['updated_parsed'] for e in d['entries']]))

I don't know why this was in the loop, probably doesn't need to be

    with open('settings.json', 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(settings, fp, indent = 4)

print 'Done.'