"There's Always a Duck" Book Writeup
July 08, 2012

What’s the point?
The book is a collection of essays written the point-of-view of a test/QA engineer on
agile teams about soft skills and personal interactions.
How was it?
It was alright. The book offers a different perspective from typical “software team”
books I have read because of the author’s background as a tester. As I continue my study
of TDD and testing, I thought this would be a new and interesting angle to consider.
There were some good stories; I particularly liked the section describing a project with a 5-digit bug backlog (as I could empathize given my current project’s ever-growing list). I also liked the concept of the “Agile Up To Here” event that was described and will have to check the author’s blog for more details.
Nothing earth-shattering, but it was a short, pleasant read.
Who should read it?
Developers looking for some insight into how testing fits into agile teams from a
Test/QA engineer POV