A Dangerous Obsession with Primitives

Series: growth May 31, 2012

I recently came across a code smell called Primitive Obsession in James Shore’s excellent Let’s Play TDD screencasts.

As programmers, using primitives (i.e. built-in types like int, float, string) are a security blanket.

Primitives are familiar to us. When we are unsure about a complex domain, we try to distill the objects down to dumb “bags of properties”. This allow us to continue working and feel like we are making progress — despite not fully grasping the domain.

We also lull ourselves into thinking we are reducing complexity. How many times have you said “Oh, the BazBar? It’s just a boolean flag” and shrugged off the domain implications?

As soon as I heard this term, I immediately thought back to a recent project I was on. This smell was all over the codebase, staring me right in the face. But I couldn’t articulate the problem until now.

Part of the application involved entering data about the food you ate. The user would input calories, carbs, fat — just like on a nutritional label.

The problem was that we were representing all of the different food metrics with simple integers. Calories were an int. Carbs were an int. Integers all the way down.

At first, this was okay.

But when it came time to address internationalization, we needed to introduce the concept of units. For example, in the US we typically measure carbs in grams. But in Germany, they use something called Bread Units (BU).

Alarms should have been going off that I needed to change Carbs from an int to a value object. Alas, I started trying to figure out how to bolt on unit conversions to the existing primitive version.

So, naturally, I created a CarbsUnitConverter with a convert() method that took an integer and a conversion factor. More warning flags should have popped up when I had to return a decimal value from convert to handle all the supported units. Not only did I have a Primitive Obsession, but I was changing the primitive based on context!

I went along blissfully injecting my CarbsUnitConverter into every place where we displayed carbs in the app. This lead to messy code and exposed the unit conversions to areas of the system that should not have known or cared about it.

The moral of the story was that having a primitive obsession actually increased the complexity in the application by allowing business logic to spill into unrelated classes.

This code smell is fairly easy to identify; the difficulty is having the discipline to prevent it from creeping into your codebase in the first place.

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